Friday, July 29, 2016

Driving to California

We drove to California about a month ago and split up the drive by staying at our halfway point. The kids did so well. 

There was a truck with a hitch to transport two segways...???

Playing with Cousins

We had cousins over to play in the backyard. Adelyn also loved holding Walter. 

In 'N Out

Jeff is proud that his half-Californian daughter (does she count as a pure blood if I was born in California?) loves In 'N Out. Whenever we pass a sign with the restaurant's logo she exclaims " Han-gurber and fries?!" 

Camping at Timpanogos

We took the kids camping a few weeks ago. It was just the four of us, and besides the bugs and heat it was a good trip. Wendy helped pack the car and Walter was as easygoing as ever. 

Play Gym

Both Walter and Wendy have been enjoying our little baby play gym. 

Bike Ride on Murdoch

We went for a family ride on the trail a few weeks ago. Well, the kids and I met Jeff at the end of his Alpine Loop ride. It was nice to be back in the saddles gain after having to take so much time off during pregnancy/recovery.